Be a mentor for Software Maestros (소프트웨어 마에스트로)
In Korea, there is a program, Software Maestro, for software engineers who are attending High school or University students including undergraduate and graduate. FYI, you can find more information from web site(, sorry for the Korean), is initiated by the Korea Government. The manager of the program had gathered Mentors who will teach and lead Mentees. The mentor is an expert in his field, for example Software Engineering, Mobile Development, Web, Securities, Operating System, and so on, and I am very happy to be one of them. Last week, we had reviewed and screened mentee's applications and It revealed that there are so many good engineers in Korea although most of them don't have any professional experience. It will be very interesting and energetic thing to lead and work with them. I can't wait to meet them. :-)
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