Friday, July 16, 2010

Some papers for Defining Research Model

Allarakhia, M., D. Kilgour, et al. (2010). "Modelling the incentive to participate in open source biopharmaceutical innovation." R&D Management 40(1): 50-66.

Banker, R., S. Datar, et al. (1991). "A model to evaluate variables impacting the productivity of software maintenance projects." Management science 37(1): 1-18.

Beck, B. (2002). "Model evaluation and performance." Encyclopedia of environmetrics 3: 1275-1279.

Borlund, P. (2003). "The IIR evaluation model: a framework for evaluation of interactive information retrieval systems." Information Research 8(3): 8-3.

Brown, S. and K. Eisenhardt (1995). "Product development: Past research, present findings, and future directions." Academy of management review 20(2): 343-378.

Calantone, R. and C. Di Benedetto (1988). "An integrative model of the new product development process:: An empirical validation." Journal of Product Innovation Management 5(3): 201-215.

Carlile, P. (2002). "A pragmatic view of knowledge and boundaries: Boundary objects in new product development." Organization Science 13(4): 442-455.

Chen, G. and D. Kotz (2002). Solar: An open platform for context-aware mobile applications, Citeseer.

Chesbrough, H. (2007). Open business models: How to thrive in the new innovation landscape, Harvard Business Press.

Chesbrough, H. (2007). Open business models: How to thrive in the new innovation landscape, Harvard Business Press.

Cheung, Y. and R. Chappell (2002). "A simple technique to evaluate model sensitivity in the continual reassessment method." Biometrics 58(3): 671-674.

Chiesa, V., P. Coughlan, et al. (1996). "Development of a technical innovation audit." Journal of Product Innovation Management 13(2): 105-136.

Cimatti, A., E. Clarke, et al. (2002). Nusmv 2: An opensource tool for symbolic model checking, Springer.

Clark, K. (1989). "Project scope and project performance: the effect of parts strategy and supplier involvement on product development." Management science 35(10): 1247-1263.

Cooper, R. (1983). "Process model for industrial new product development." IEEE TRANS. ENG. MGMT. 30(1): 2-11.

Davidsson, P. and M. Klofsten (2003). "The Business Platform: Developing an Instrument to Gauge and to Assist the Development of Young Firms." Journal of Small Business Management 41(1): 1-27.

Dragovic, B., S. Hand, et al. "Managing trust and reputation in the XenoServer Open Platform." Trust Management: 1072-1072.

Economides, N. and E. Katsamakas (2006). "Linux vs. Windows: A Comparison of Application and Platform Innovation Incentives for Open Source and Proprietary Software Platform." The Economics of Open Source Software Development, Elsevier Publishers.

Eisenstein, J., J. Vanderdonckt, et al. (2001). Applying model-based techniques to the development of UIs for mobile computers, ACM.

Eppinger, S., D. Whitney, et al. (1994). "A model-based method for organizing tasks in product development." Research in Engineering Design 6(1): 1-13.

Fetterman, D. (1994). "Empowerment evaluation." Evaluation practice 15(1): 1-15.

Friedlander, D., D. Greenberg, et al. (1997). "Evaluating government training programs for the economically disadvantaged." Journal of Economic Literature 35(4): 1809-1855.

Gupta, A., S. Raj, et al. (1986). "A Model for Studying R&D. Marketing Interface in the Product Innovation Process." The Journal of Marketing 50(2): 7-17.

Handfield, R., G. Ragatz, et al. (1999). "Involving Suppliers in New Product Development?" CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW 42: 59-82.

Hohl, F., U. Kubach, et al. (1999). Next century challenges: Nexus--an open global infrastructure for spatial-aware applications, ACM.

Homans, F. and J. Wilen (1997). "A model of regulated open access resource use." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 32(1): 1-21.

Iansiti, M. and K. Clark (1994). "Integration and dynamic capability: evidence from product development in automobiles and mainframe computers." Industrial and corporate change 3(3): 557.

Kanehiro, F., H. Hirukawa, et al. (2004). "Openhrp: Open architecture humanoid robotics platform." The International Journal of Robotics Research 23(2): 155.

Kozak, A. and R. Kozak (2003). "Does cross validation provide additional information in the evaluation of regression models?" Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33(6): 976-987.

Krishnan, V., S. Eppinger, et al. (1997). "A model-based framework to overlap product development activities." Management science 43(4): 437-451.

LaLonde, R. (1986). "Evaluating the econometric evaluations of training programs with experimental data." The American Economic Review 76(4): 604-620.

Lewis, D. (1991). Evaluating text categorization.

Manel, S., H. Williams, et al. (2001). "Evaluating presence-absence models in ecology: the need to account for prevalence." Journal of Applied Ecology 38(5): 921-931.

Matsumoto, M., S. Yokota, et al. (2010). "Development of a model to estimate the economic impacts of R&D output of public research institutes." R&D Management 40(1): 91-100.

Matzler, K. and H. Hinterhuber (1998). "How to make product development projects more successful by integrating Kano's model of customer satisfaction into quality function deployment." Technovation 18(1): 25-38.

Mellor, S., K. Scott, et al. (2002). "Model-driven architecture." Advances in Object-Oriented Information Systems: 233-239.

Mitrovic, A. and B. Martin (2002). Evaluating the effects of open student models on learning, Springer.

Moody, D. and G. Shanks "What makes a good data model? Evaluating the quality of entity relationship models." Entity-Relationship Approach--ER'94 Business Modelling and Re-Engineering: 94-111.

Muffatto, M. (1999). "Introducing a platform strategy in product development." International Journal of Production Economics 60: 145-153.

Nicklas, D., M. Gro©¬mann, et al. (2001). "A model-based, open architecture for mobile, spatially aware applications." Advances in spatial and temporal databases: 117-135.

Nocke, V., M. Peitz, et al. (2007). "Platform ownership." Journal of the European Economic Association 5(6): 1130-1160.

Olson, E., O. Walker Jr, et al. (1995). "Organizing for effective new product development: the moderating role of product innovativeness." The Journal of Marketing 59(1): 48-62.

Parasuraman, A., V. Zeithaml, et al. (1985). "A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research." The Journal of Marketing 49(4): 41-50.

Poole, J. (2001). Model-driven architecture: Vision, standards and emerging technologies, Citeseer.

Poslad, S., P. Buckle, et al. (2000). The FIPA-OS agent platform: Open source for open standards, Citeseer.

Ragatz, G., R. Handfield, et al. (1997). "Success factors for integrating suppliers into new product development." Journal of Product Innovation Management 14(3): 190-202.

Reid, S. and U. de Brentani (2004). "The fuzzy front end of new product development for discontinuous innovations: a theoretical model." Journal of Product Innovation Management 21(3): 170-184.

Rumelt, R. (1979). "Evaluation of strategy: Theory and models." Strategic management: A new view of business policy and planning: 196-212.

Ruotsalainen, P. (2004). "A cross-platform model for secure Electronic Health Record communication." International Journal of Medical Informatics 73(3): 291-295.

Rykiel, E. (1996). "Testing ecological models: the meaning of validation." Ecological modelling 90(3): 229-244.

Scaramella, L., R. Conger, et al. (2003). "Evaluation of a social contextual model of delinquency: A cross-study replication." Child Development 73(1): 175-195.

Schwarz, G. (1978). "Estimating the dimension of a model." The annals of statistics: 461-464.

Shen, X., K. Tan, et al. (2000). "An integrated approach to innovative product development using Kano¡¯s model and QFD." European Journal of Innovation Management 3(2): 91-99.

Shoval, P. and Y. Lugasi (1987). "Models for computer system evaluation and selection." Information & Management 12(3): 117-129.

Steiger, J. (1990). "Structural model evaluation and modification: An interval estimation approach." Multivariate Behavioral Research 25(2): 173-180.

Stufflebeam, D. and A. Shinkfield (2007). Evaluation theory, models, and applications, Jossey-Bass Inc Pub.

Szajna, B. (1996). "Empirical evaluation of the revised technology acceptance model." Management science 42(1): 85-92.

Tesser, A. (1988). "Toward a self-evaluation maintenance model of social behavior." Advances in experimental social psychology 21: 181-227.

Veryzer, R. (1998). "Discontinuous innovation and the new product development process." Journal of Product Innovation Management 15(4): 304-321.

Weiss, M. and G. Gangadharan (2010). "Modeling the mashup ecosystem: structure and growth." R&D Management 40(1): 40-49.


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