Friday, July 16, 2010

Some papers for Lead User Innovation

Alba, J. and J. Hutchinson (1987). "Dimensions of consumer expertise." Journal of Consumer Research 13(4): 411.

Calder, B., L. Phillips, et al. (1981). "Designing research for application." Journal of Consumer Research 8(2): 197.

Franke, N. and E. Hippel (2003). "Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits: the case of Apache security software." Research Policy 32(7): 1199-1215.

Franke, N. and F. Piller (2003). "Key research issues in user interaction with user toolkits in a mass customisation system." International Journal of Technology Management 26(5): 578-599.

Franke, N. and F. Piller (2004). "Value creation by toolkits for user innovation and design: The case of the watch market." Journal of Product Innovation Management 21(6): 401-415.

Franke, N. and M. Schreier (2002). "Entrepreneurial opportunities with toolkits for user innovation and design." International Journal on Media Management 4(4): 225-234.

Franke, N. and S. Shah (2003). "How communities support innovative activities: an exploration of assistance and sharing among end-users." Research Policy 32(1): 157-178.

Franke, N., E. Von Hippel, et al. "Finding commercially attractive user innovations: A test of lead user theory."

Franke, N., E. Von Hippel, et al. (2006). "Finding Commercially Attractive User Innovations: A Test of Lead-User Theory*." Journal of Product Innovation Management 23(4): 301-315.

Goodhue, D. and R. Thompson (1995). "Task-technology fit and individual performance." Mis Quarterly 19(2): 213-236.

Harhoff, D., J. Henkel, et al. (2003). "Profiting from voluntary information spillovers: how users benefit by freely revealing their innovations." Research Policy 32(10): 1753-1769.

Herstatt, C. and E. Von Hippel (1992). "From experience: Developing new product concepts via the lead user method: A case study in a." Journal of Product Innovation Management 9(3): 213-221.

Hienerth, C. (2006). "The commercialization of user innovations: the development of the rodeo kayak industry." R&D Management 36(3): 273-294.

Hienerth, C., M. Potz, et al. (2007). Exploring key characteristics of lead user workshop participants: who contributes best to the generation of truly novel solutions.

Hippel, E. and W. Riggs (1997). "A lead user study of electronic home banking services: lessons from the learning curve." Working paper (Sloan School of Management); WP 3911-96.

Hoffman, D., T. Novak, et al. (1995). "Commercial scenarios for the Web: opportunities and challenges." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1(3): 1-20.

Kotro, T. (2007). "User orientation through experience: A study of hobbyist knowing in product development." OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING AS A BRIDGE ACROSS THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: 154.

Kujala, S. and M. Kauppinen (2004). Identifying and selecting users for user-centered design, Citeseer.

Lettl, C. (2007). "User involvement competence for radical innovation." Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 24(1-2): 53-75.

Lilien, G., P. Morrison, et al. (2002). "Performance assessment of the lead user idea-generation process for new product development." Management science: 1042-1059.

Lin, J. and C. Seepersad (2007). Empathic Lead Users: The Effects of Extraordinary User Experiences on Customer Needs Analysis and Product Redesign.

Luthje, C. and C. Herstatt (2004). "The Lead User method: an outline of empirical findings and issues for future research." R&D Management 34(5): 553-568.

Luthje, C., C. Herstatt, et al. (2005). "User-innovators and loca information: The case of mountain biking." Research Policy 34(6): 951-965.

Morrison, P., J. Roberts, et al. (2004). "The nature of lead users and measurement of leading edge status." Research Policy 33(2): 351-362.

Morrison, P., J. Roberts, et al. (2000). "Determinants of user innovation and innovation sharing in a local market." Management science: 1513-1527.

O¡¯reilly, T. (2005). "What is web 2.0." Design patterns and business models for the next generation of software 30: 2005.

Olson, E. and G. Bakke (2001). "Implementing the lead user method in a high technology firm: A longitudinal study of intentions versus actions." Journal of Product Innovation Management 18(6): 388-395.

Olson, E. and G. Bakke (2004). "Creating breakthrough innovations by implementing the Lead User methodology." Telektronikk 100: 126-132.

Peterson, R. (1994). "A meta-analysis of Cronbach's coefficient alpha." Journal of Consumer Research 21(2): 381.

Rantanen, K. (2004). "Deaf People as Pioneers on Video Technology: How to Use Evolution Patterns and the Lead User Concept Together." TRIZ Journal, February.

Rothwell, R. (1994). "Towards the fifth-generation innovation process." International Marketing Review 11(1): 7-31.

Schreier, M. and R. Prugl (2008). "Extending Lead-User Theory: Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers' Lead Userness*." Journal of Product Innovation Management 25(4): 331-346.

Slater, S. and J. Narver (1998). "Customer-led and market-oriented: Let's not confuse the two." Strategic Management Journal 19(10): 1001-1006.

Springer, S., S. Beucker, et al. (2006). "Lead User Integration." Online verfugbar unter http://www. nova-net. de/fhg/Images/Springer_ Lead_User_2006_ (nova-net_3-8167-7043-6) _www_tcm231-54876. pdf, zuletzt gepruft am 26: 2007.

Tennenhouse, D., J. Smith, et al. (1997). "A survey of active network research." IEEE communications magazine 35(1): 80-86.

Tennenhouse, D. and D. Wetherall (2007). "Towards an active network architecture." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 37(5): 94.

Urban, G. and E. Von Hippel (1988). "Lead user analyses for the development of new industrial products." Management science 34(5): 569-582.

Von Hippel, E. (1986). "Lead users: A source of novel product concepts." Management science 32(7): 791-805.

Von Hippel, E. (1998). "Economics of product development by users: The impact of" sticky" local information." Management science 44(5): 629-644.

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Learning from open-source software." MIT Sloan Management Review 42(4): 82-86.

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Perspective: User toolkits for innovation." The Journal of Product Innovation Management 18: 247-257.

von Hippel, E. and M. Sonnack (1999). "Breakthroughs to Order at 3M via Lead User Innovation." Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)-Sloan School of Management (SSM) Working Paper 4057: 4057-42747841.

Von Hippel, E., S. Thomke, et al. (1999). "Creating breakthroughs at 3M." Harvard Business Review 77: 47-57.

Wind, J. and V. Mahajan (1997). "Editorial: Issues and Opportunities in New Product Development: An Introduction to the Special Issue." Journal of marketing research 34(1): 1-12.


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