Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Configure VPN Server in Windows 7 and VPN Client in Linux

As you might know, Windows 7 supports VPN Server connection without requiring any installation of VPN softwares like OpenVPN. I didn't know that before. Because I was in trouble with setting of VPN, VPN Service in Windows 7 is a kind of the priceless tool treasure to me. VPN in Windows is easy to setup and use. Why didn't I recognize that?

If you want to use the VPN service in Windows as a VPN client, then you are in luck. I mean it is also easy to setup and connect to the server. But if your client system is Linux (Redhat, Ubuntu, or etc.), you may have some troublesome. You need some tools including KNetworkManager, pptp, and pptpconfig. There are many posts out there, so you can get useful information.

One final note is that Windows VPN Server service allows just one connection, so if you try to connect more than one client, you will get the error code, especially in Linux system, "LCP terminated by peer." I didn't know about it so that I wasted my invaluable time. :-(

Good luck.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Some papers for Research Method

"Get PDF - Grounded Theory 101: Strategies for Research and Practice."

Annells, M. (1996). "Grounded theory method: Philosophical perspectives, paradigm of inquiry, and postmodernism." Qualitative Health Research 6(3): 379.

Berg, B. (1989). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences, Allyn and Bacon Boston.

Bernard, H. (2006). Research methods in anthropology: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, Altamira press.

Bonoma, T. (1985). "Case research in marketing: opportunities, problems, and a process." Journal of marketing research 22(2): 199-208.

Burnard, P. (1991). "A method of analysing interview transcripts in qualitative research." Nurse education today 11(6): 461-466.

Cohen, L., L. Manion, et al. (2007). Research methods in education, Routledge.

Cooper, D. and C. Emory (1995). "Business research methods."

Corbin, J. and A. Strauss (1990). "Grounded theory research: Procedures, canons, and evaluative criteria." Qualitative sociology 13(1): 3-21.

Denzin, N. and Y. Lincoln "The Handbook of Qualitative Research 3ed."

Eisenhardt, K. and M. Graebner (2007). "Theory building from cases: Opportunities and challenges." Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 25.

Ellis, D. (1993). "Modeling the information-seeking patterns of academic researchers: A grounded theory approach." The Library Quarterly 63(4): 469-486.

Evans, N., D. Forney, et al. (2009). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice, Jossey-Bass.

Glaser, B. (1978). Theoretical sensitivity: Advances in the methodology of grounded theory, Sociology Pr.

Glaser, B. (2002). "Conceptualization: On theory and theorizing using grounded theory." International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1(2): 1-31.

Glaser, B. (2002). Constructivist grounded theory, Citeseer.

Glaser, B. and J. Holton (2004). Remodeling grounded theory.

Glaser, B. and A. Strauss (1968). The discovery of grounded theory, Aldine Chicago.

Haig, B. (1995). "Grounded theory as scientific method." Philosophy of education 28.

Hall, W. and P. Callery (2001). "Enhancing the rigor of grounded theory: incorporating reflexivity and relationality." Qualitative Health Research 11(2): 257.

Hallberg, L. (2006). "The ¡°core category¡± of grounded theory: Making constant comparisons." International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being 1(3): 141-148.

Leedy, P. and J. Ormrod (2005). Practical research: Planning and design, Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Lingard, L., M. Albert, et al. (2008). "Grounded theory, mixed methods, and action research." BMJ 337: a567.

Malterud, K. (2001). "Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines." The Lancet 358(9280): 483-488.

Malterud, K. (2001). "Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines." The Lancet 358(9280): 483-488.

Morgan, G. and L. Smircich (1980). "The case for qualitative research." Academy of management review 5(4): 491-500.

Preacher, K. and A. Hayes (2004). "SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models." Behavior Research Methods 36(4): 717.

Ruston, A., J. Clayton, et al. (1998). "Patients' action during their cardiac event: qualitative study exploring differences and modifiable factors* Commentary: Grounded theory and the constant comparative method." British Medical Journal 316(7137): 1060.

Schoenberger, E. (1991). "The corporate interview as a research method in economic geography." The Professional Geographer 43(2): 180-189.

Stern, P. (1980). "Grounded theory methodology: Its uses and processes." Journal of Nursing Scholarship 12(1): 20-23.

Strauss, A. and J. Corbin (1990). Basics of qualitative research, Sage Publ.

Strauss, A. and J. Corbin (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques, Sage publications Newbury Park, CA.

Strauss, A. and J. Corbin (1994). "Grounded theory methodology: An overview." Handbook of qualitative research 273: 285.

Suddaby, R. (2006). "From the editors: What grounded theory is not." Academy of Management Journal 49(4): 633.

Yin, R. (1994). "Case study research: design and methods, Applied Social Research Methods Series, vol. 5." Thousand Oaks: Sage 1(2): 3.

Some papers for Qualitative Interview

Guest, G., A. Bunce, et al. (2006). "How many interviews are enough?: An experiment with data saturation and variability." Field methods 18(1): 59.

Morse, J., M. Barrett, et al. (2008). "Verification strategies for establishing reliability and validity in qualitative research." International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1(2): 13.

Myers, M. and M. Newman (2007). "The qualitative interview in IS research: Examining the craft." Information and Organization 17(1): 2-26.

Poston, D., A. Turnbull, et al. (2003). "Family quality of life: A qualitative inquiry." Journal Information 41(5).

Rubin, H. and I. Rubin (2005). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data, Sage Publications, Inc.

Some papers for Open Innovation

Adner, R. (2006). "Match your innovation strategy to your innovation ecosystem." Harvard Business Review 84(4): 98.

Baldwin, C., C. Hienerth, et al. (2006). "How user innovations become commercial products: a theoretical investigation and case study." Research Policy 35(9): 1291-1313.

Bedrick, S. and D. Sittig (2008). A Scientific Collaboration Tool Built on the Facebook Platform, American Medical Informatics Association.

Boudreau, K. "Opening the platform vs. opening the complementary good? The effect on product innovation in handheld computing."

Boudreau, K. (2006). Does Opening a Platform Generate More Innovation? An Empirical Study, MIT Sloan Working Paper 4611-06.

Boudreau, K. and K. Lakhani (2009). "How to manage outside innovation." MIT Sloan Management Review 50(4): 69-75.

Brown, J. and P. Duguid (1991). "Organizational learning and communities-of-practice: Toward a unified view of working, learning, and innovation." Organization Science 2(1): 40-57.

Burkhard, S. (2009). "Economies of Application Development Programs." Internet Economics IV: 41.

Buxton, B. (2007). "Sketching User Experiences."

Chakravorti, B. (2010). "Stakeholder Marketing 2.0." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 29(1): 97-102.

Chesbrough, H. (2003). Open innovation: the new imperative for creating and profiting from technology, Harvard Business Press.

Chesbrough, H. (2006). "The era of open innovation." Managing innovation and change 127.

Chesbrough, H. (2006). "The era of open innovation." Managing innovation and change 127.

Chesbrough, H., W. Vanhaverbeke, et al. (2006). "Open innovation: A new paradigm for understanding industrial innovation." Open innovation: researching a new paradigm: 1-12.

Chesbrough, H., W. Vanhaverbeke, et al. (2006). Open innovation: Researching a new paradigm, Oxford University Press, USA.

Chesbrough, H. W. and M. M. Appleyard (2007). "Open Innovation and Strategy." CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW 50(1).

Craig, E. (2007). "Changing paradigms: managed learning environments and Web 2. 0." Campus-Wide Information Systems 24(3): 152-161.

Cusumano, M. and A. Gawer (2003). "The elements of platform leadership." IEEE Engineering Management Review 31(1): 8-8.

Dedrick, J. and J. West (2003). Why firms adopt open source platforms: a grounded theory of innovation and standards adoption, Citeseer.

DiMicco, J. and D. Millen (2007). Identity management: multiple presentations of self in facebook, ACM.

Dodgson, M., D. Gann, et al. (2006). "The role of technology in the shift towards open innovation: the case of Procter & Gamble." R&D Management 36(3): 333-346.

Douthwaite, B., J. Keatinge, et al. (2001). "Why promising technologies fail: the neglected role of user innovation during adoption* 1." Research Policy 30(5): 819-836.

Downes, S. (2007). "Places to go: Facebook." Journal of Online Education 4(1).

Dwyer, C., S. Hiltz, et al. (2007). Trust and privacy concern within social networking sites: A comparison of Facebook and MySpace, Citeseer.

Ebner, W., J. Leimeister, et al. (2009). "Community engineering for innovations: the ideas competition as a method to nurture a virtual community for innovations." R&D Management 39(4): 342-356.

Economides, N. and E. Katsamakas (2006). "Linux vs. Windows: A Comparison of Application and Platform Innovation Incentives for Open Source and Proprietary Software Platform." The Economics of Open Source Software Development, Elsevier Publishers.

Ellison, N., C. Steinfield, et al. (2007). "The benefits of Facebook" friends:" social capital and college students' use of online social network sites." JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION-ELECTRONIC EDITION- 12(4): 1143.

Enkel, E. and O. Gassmann (2007). "Driving Open Innovation in the Front End: The IBM Case." International Journal of Technology Management (2008, de proxima publicacion) 8.

Feller, J. and B. Fitzgerald (2000). A framework analysis of the open source software development paradigm, Association for Information Systems.

Fichter, K. (2009). "Innovation communities: the role of networks of promotors in Open Innovation." R&D Management 39(4): 357-371.

Franke, N., E. Von Hippel, et al. "Finding commercially attractive user innovations: A test of lead user theory."

Fuller, J., M. Bartl, et al. (2006). "Community based innovation: How to integrate members of virtual communities into new product development." Electronic Commerce Research 6(1): 57-73.

Fuller, J., M. Bartl, et al. (2006). "Community based innovation: How to integrate members of virtual communities into new product development." Electronic Commerce Research 6(1): 57-73.

Gassmann, O. and E. Enkel (2004). Towards a theory of open innovation: three core process archetypes.

Gawer, A. and M. Cusumano (2002). Platform leadership: How Intel, Microsoft, and Cisco drive industry innovation, Harvard Business Press.

Gawer, A. and R. Henderson (2005). "Platform owner entry and innovation in complementary markets: Evidence from Intel." NBER working paper.

Ghazawneh, A. (1899). The Role of Platforms and Platform Thinking in Open Innovation Networks, IEEE Computer Society.

Ghazawneh, A. (1899). The Role of Platforms and Platform Thinking in Open Innovation Networks, IEEE Computer Society.

Goldman, R. and R. Gabriel (2005). Innovation happens elsewhere: open source as business strategy, Morgan Kaufmann Pub.

Grimmelmann, J. (2008). "Saving Facebook." Iowa L. Rev. 94: 1137.

Grossman, L. "Invention of the year: The iPhone." Time Magazine Online.

Hippel, E. (1975). "The dominant role of users in the scientific instrument innovation process." Working paper (Sloan School of Management); 764-75.

Hippel, E. V. (2001). "Innovation by User Communities: Learning from Open-Source Software." Sloan Management Review 42(4 ).

Jeppesen, L. and L. Frederiksen "Why firm-established user communities work for innovation: The personal attributes of innovative users in the case of computer-controlled music instruments." IVS/CBS Working Papers.

Jeppesen, L. and L. Frederiksen (2006). "Why do users contribute to Firm-hosted user communities?" Organization Science 17(1): 45-63.

Joinson, A. (2008). Looking at, looking up or keeping up with people?: motives and use of facebook, ACM.

Kim, W. and R. Mauborgne (2004). "Value innovation." Harvard Business Review 82(7/8): 172-180.

Kogut, B. and A. Metiu (2001). "Open-source software development and distributed innovation." Oxford Review of Economic Policy 17(2): 248.

Kristensson, P., A. Gustafsson, et al. (2004). "Harnessing the creative potential among users." Journal of Product Innovation Management 21(1): 4-14.

Kristensson, P., P. Magnusson, et al. (2002). "Users as a hidden resource for creativity: Findings from an experimental study on user involvement." Creativity and Innovation Management 11(1): 55-61.

Kuck, D. (2005). "Platform 2015 software: Enabling innovation in parallelism for the next decade." Technology: 1.

Lampe, C., N. Ellison, et al. (2008). Changes in use and perception of facebook, ACM.

Lenk, A., M. Klems, et al. (2009). What's inside the Cloud? An architectural map of the Cloud landscape, IEEE Computer Society.

Lettl, C., C. Herstatt, et al. (2006). "Users' contributions to radical innovation: evidence from four cases in the field of medical equipment technology." R&D Management 36(3): 251-272.

Lichtenthaler, U. (2008). "Open innovation in practice: an analysis of strategic approaches to technology transactions." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT EM 55(1): 148.

Linder, J., S. Jarvenpaa, et al. (2003). "Toward an innovation sourcing strategy." MIT Sloan Management Review 44(4): 43-50.

Luthje, C. (2004). "Characteristics of innovating users in a consumer goods field:: An empirical study of sport-related product consumers." Technovation 24(9): 683-695.

Mangino, M. (2008). "Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails." Pragmatic Bookshelf: 196.

Miluzzo, E., J. Oakley, et al. Evaluating the iPhone as a mobile platform for people-centric sensing applications, Citeseer.

Muller-Seitz, G. and G. Reger (2009). "Is open source software living up to its promises? Insights for open innovation management from two open source software-inspired projects1." R&D Management 39(4): 372-381.

Nazir, A., S. Raza, et al. (2008). Unveiling facebook: a measurement study of social network based applications, ACM.

Nooteboom, B. and R. Went (2008). Innovation and organization, Micro-Foundations for Innovation Policy, Amsterdam: Amsterdam/Chicago University Press.

OReilly, T. "What is Web 2.0: Design patterns and business models for the next generation of software."

Parker, G. and M. Van Alstyne "Innovation, openness, and platform control."

Parker, G. and M. Van Alstyne (2008). Managing platform ecosystems.

Preece, J. and B. Shneiderman (2009). "The Reader-to-Leader Framework: Motivating technology-mediated social participation." AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 1(1): 13-32.

Prescott, M. and C. Van Slyke (1997). "Understanding the Internet as an innovation." Industrial Management and Data Systems 97(3): 119-124.

Riggs, W. and E. von Hippel (1994). "Incentives to innovate and the sources of innovation: the case of scientific instruments* 1." Research Policy 23(4): 459-469.

Rutter, M. (2002). "Nature, nurture, and development: From evangelism through science toward policy and practice." Child Development 73(1): 1-21.

Sawhney, M., G. Verona, et al. (2005). "Collaborating to create: The Internet as a platform for customer engagement in product innovation." Journal of Interactive Marketing 19(4): 4-17.

Sawhney, M., R. Wolcott, et al. (2007). "The 12 different ways for companies to innovate." IEEE Engineering Management Review 35(1): 45-52.

Shih, G., P. Lakhani, et al. (2010). "Is Android or iPhone the Platform for Innovation in Imaging Informatics." Journal of Digital Imaging 23(1): 2-7.

Shneiderman, B. (2000). "Creating creativity: user interfaces for supporting innovation." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 7(1): 114-138.

Sood, A. and G. Tellis (2005). "Technological evolution and radical innovation." Journal of Marketing 69(3): 152-168.

Stone, B. "New tool from Facebook extends its Web presence." New York Times.

Suarez, F. (2004). "Battles for technological dominance: an integrative framework." Research Policy 33(2): 271-286.

Thom-Santelli, J., M. Muller, et al. (2008). Social tagging roles: publishers, evangelists, leaders, ACM.

Truong, H. (2007). Network Structure, Diffusion and Growth Over Time in a Facebook Application, Citeseer.

Tuomi, I. (2001). "Internet, innovation, and open source: Actors in the network." First Monday 6(1): 34.

Vogelstein, F. (2008). "The untold story: how the iPhone blew up the wireless industry." Wired Magazine 16(2): 16-02.

Vogelstein, F. (2008). "The untold story: how the iPhone blew up the wireless industry." Wired Magazine 16(2): 16-02.

Von Hippel, E. "Democratizing innovation."

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Learning from open-source software." MIT Sloan Management Review 42(4): 82-86.

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Open source shows the way: Innovation by and for users-no manufacturer required." Sloan Management Review 42(4): 82-86.

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Perspective: User toolkits for innovation." Journal of Product Innovation Management 18(4): 247-257.

Von Hippel, E. (2007). "Horizontal innovation networks--by and for users." Industrial and corporate change.

Von Hippel, E. (2009). "Democratizing innovation: The evolving phenomenon of user innovation." International Journal of Innovation Science 1(1): 29-40.

Von Hippel, E., S. Thomke, et al. (1999). "Creating breakthroughs at 3M." Harvard Business Review 77: 47-57.

Von Hippel, E. and G. Von Krogh (2003). "Open source software and the" private-collective" innovation model: Issues for organization science." Organization Science: 209-223.

Von Krogh, G., S. Spaeth, et al. (2003). "Community, joining, and specialization in open source software innovation: a case study." Research Policy 32(7): 1217-1241.

Weerawarana, S., F. Curbera, et al. (2005). Web Services Platform Architecture: SOAP, WSDL, WS-Policy, WS-Addressing, WS-BPEL, WS-Reliable Messaging and More, Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.

West, J. (2003). "How open is open enough?:: Melding proprietary and open source platform strategies." Research Policy 32(7): 1259-1285.

West, J. and S. Gallagher (2006). "Challenges of open innovation: the paradox of firm investment in open-source software." R&D Management 36(3): 319-331.

West, J. and S. Gallagher (2006). "Patterns of open innovation in Open Source software." Open innovation: researching a new paradigm: 82-106.

Zhao, D. and M. Rosson (2009). How and why people Twitter: the role that micro-blogging plays in informal communication at work, ACM.

Ziv, N. (2005). Toward a new paradigm of innovation on the mobile platform: redefining the roles of content providers, technology companies, and users.

Some papers for Lead User Innovation

Alba, J. and J. Hutchinson (1987). "Dimensions of consumer expertise." Journal of Consumer Research 13(4): 411.

Calder, B., L. Phillips, et al. (1981). "Designing research for application." Journal of Consumer Research 8(2): 197.

Franke, N. and E. Hippel (2003). "Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits: the case of Apache security software." Research Policy 32(7): 1199-1215.

Franke, N. and F. Piller (2003). "Key research issues in user interaction with user toolkits in a mass customisation system." International Journal of Technology Management 26(5): 578-599.

Franke, N. and F. Piller (2004). "Value creation by toolkits for user innovation and design: The case of the watch market." Journal of Product Innovation Management 21(6): 401-415.

Franke, N. and M. Schreier (2002). "Entrepreneurial opportunities with toolkits for user innovation and design." International Journal on Media Management 4(4): 225-234.

Franke, N. and S. Shah (2003). "How communities support innovative activities: an exploration of assistance and sharing among end-users." Research Policy 32(1): 157-178.

Franke, N., E. Von Hippel, et al. "Finding commercially attractive user innovations: A test of lead user theory."

Franke, N., E. Von Hippel, et al. (2006). "Finding Commercially Attractive User Innovations: A Test of Lead-User Theory*." Journal of Product Innovation Management 23(4): 301-315.

Goodhue, D. and R. Thompson (1995). "Task-technology fit and individual performance." Mis Quarterly 19(2): 213-236.

Harhoff, D., J. Henkel, et al. (2003). "Profiting from voluntary information spillovers: how users benefit by freely revealing their innovations." Research Policy 32(10): 1753-1769.

Herstatt, C. and E. Von Hippel (1992). "From experience: Developing new product concepts via the lead user method: A case study in a." Journal of Product Innovation Management 9(3): 213-221.

Hienerth, C. (2006). "The commercialization of user innovations: the development of the rodeo kayak industry." R&D Management 36(3): 273-294.

Hienerth, C., M. Potz, et al. (2007). Exploring key characteristics of lead user workshop participants: who contributes best to the generation of truly novel solutions.

Hippel, E. and W. Riggs (1997). "A lead user study of electronic home banking services: lessons from the learning curve." Working paper (Sloan School of Management); WP 3911-96.

Hoffman, D., T. Novak, et al. (1995). "Commercial scenarios for the Web: opportunities and challenges." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1(3): 1-20.

Kotro, T. (2007). "User orientation through experience: A study of hobbyist knowing in product development." OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING AS A BRIDGE ACROSS THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: 154.

Kujala, S. and M. Kauppinen (2004). Identifying and selecting users for user-centered design, Citeseer.

Lettl, C. (2007). "User involvement competence for radical innovation." Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 24(1-2): 53-75.

Lilien, G., P. Morrison, et al. (2002). "Performance assessment of the lead user idea-generation process for new product development." Management science: 1042-1059.

Lin, J. and C. Seepersad (2007). Empathic Lead Users: The Effects of Extraordinary User Experiences on Customer Needs Analysis and Product Redesign.

Luthje, C. and C. Herstatt (2004). "The Lead User method: an outline of empirical findings and issues for future research." R&D Management 34(5): 553-568.

Luthje, C., C. Herstatt, et al. (2005). "User-innovators and loca information: The case of mountain biking." Research Policy 34(6): 951-965.

Morrison, P., J. Roberts, et al. (2004). "The nature of lead users and measurement of leading edge status." Research Policy 33(2): 351-362.

Morrison, P., J. Roberts, et al. (2000). "Determinants of user innovation and innovation sharing in a local market." Management science: 1513-1527.

O¡¯reilly, T. (2005). "What is web 2.0." Design patterns and business models for the next generation of software 30: 2005.

Olson, E. and G. Bakke (2001). "Implementing the lead user method in a high technology firm: A longitudinal study of intentions versus actions." Journal of Product Innovation Management 18(6): 388-395.

Olson, E. and G. Bakke (2004). "Creating breakthrough innovations by implementing the Lead User methodology." Telektronikk 100: 126-132.

Peterson, R. (1994). "A meta-analysis of Cronbach's coefficient alpha." Journal of Consumer Research 21(2): 381.

Rantanen, K. (2004). "Deaf People as Pioneers on Video Technology: How to Use Evolution Patterns and the Lead User Concept Together." TRIZ Journal, February.

Rothwell, R. (1994). "Towards the fifth-generation innovation process." International Marketing Review 11(1): 7-31.

Schreier, M. and R. Prugl (2008). "Extending Lead-User Theory: Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers' Lead Userness*." Journal of Product Innovation Management 25(4): 331-346.

Slater, S. and J. Narver (1998). "Customer-led and market-oriented: Let's not confuse the two." Strategic Management Journal 19(10): 1001-1006.

Springer, S., S. Beucker, et al. (2006). "Lead User Integration." Online verfugbar unter http://www. nova-net. de/fhg/Images/Springer_ Lead_User_2006_ (nova-net_3-8167-7043-6) _www_tcm231-54876. pdf, zuletzt gepruft am 26: 2007.

Tennenhouse, D., J. Smith, et al. (1997). "A survey of active network research." IEEE communications magazine 35(1): 80-86.

Tennenhouse, D. and D. Wetherall (2007). "Towards an active network architecture." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 37(5): 94.

Urban, G. and E. Von Hippel (1988). "Lead user analyses for the development of new industrial products." Management science 34(5): 569-582.

Von Hippel, E. (1986). "Lead users: A source of novel product concepts." Management science 32(7): 791-805.

Von Hippel, E. (1998). "Economics of product development by users: The impact of" sticky" local information." Management science 44(5): 629-644.

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Learning from open-source software." MIT Sloan Management Review 42(4): 82-86.

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Perspective: User toolkits for innovation." The Journal of Product Innovation Management 18: 247-257.

von Hippel, E. and M. Sonnack (1999). "Breakthroughs to Order at 3M via Lead User Innovation." Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)-Sloan School of Management (SSM) Working Paper 4057: 4057-42747841.

Von Hippel, E., S. Thomke, et al. (1999). "Creating breakthroughs at 3M." Harvard Business Review 77: 47-57.

Wind, J. and V. Mahajan (1997). "Editorial: Issues and Opportunities in New Product Development: An Introduction to the Special Issue." Journal of marketing research 34(1): 1-12.

Some papers for Defining Research Model

Allarakhia, M., D. Kilgour, et al. (2010). "Modelling the incentive to participate in open source biopharmaceutical innovation." R&D Management 40(1): 50-66.

Banker, R., S. Datar, et al. (1991). "A model to evaluate variables impacting the productivity of software maintenance projects." Management science 37(1): 1-18.

Beck, B. (2002). "Model evaluation and performance." Encyclopedia of environmetrics 3: 1275-1279.

Borlund, P. (2003). "The IIR evaluation model: a framework for evaluation of interactive information retrieval systems." Information Research 8(3): 8-3.

Brown, S. and K. Eisenhardt (1995). "Product development: Past research, present findings, and future directions." Academy of management review 20(2): 343-378.

Calantone, R. and C. Di Benedetto (1988). "An integrative model of the new product development process:: An empirical validation." Journal of Product Innovation Management 5(3): 201-215.

Carlile, P. (2002). "A pragmatic view of knowledge and boundaries: Boundary objects in new product development." Organization Science 13(4): 442-455.

Chen, G. and D. Kotz (2002). Solar: An open platform for context-aware mobile applications, Citeseer.

Chesbrough, H. (2007). Open business models: How to thrive in the new innovation landscape, Harvard Business Press.

Chesbrough, H. (2007). Open business models: How to thrive in the new innovation landscape, Harvard Business Press.

Cheung, Y. and R. Chappell (2002). "A simple technique to evaluate model sensitivity in the continual reassessment method." Biometrics 58(3): 671-674.

Chiesa, V., P. Coughlan, et al. (1996). "Development of a technical innovation audit." Journal of Product Innovation Management 13(2): 105-136.

Cimatti, A., E. Clarke, et al. (2002). Nusmv 2: An opensource tool for symbolic model checking, Springer.

Clark, K. (1989). "Project scope and project performance: the effect of parts strategy and supplier involvement on product development." Management science 35(10): 1247-1263.

Cooper, R. (1983). "Process model for industrial new product development." IEEE TRANS. ENG. MGMT. 30(1): 2-11.

Davidsson, P. and M. Klofsten (2003). "The Business Platform: Developing an Instrument to Gauge and to Assist the Development of Young Firms." Journal of Small Business Management 41(1): 1-27.

Dragovic, B., S. Hand, et al. "Managing trust and reputation in the XenoServer Open Platform." Trust Management: 1072-1072.

Economides, N. and E. Katsamakas (2006). "Linux vs. Windows: A Comparison of Application and Platform Innovation Incentives for Open Source and Proprietary Software Platform." The Economics of Open Source Software Development, Elsevier Publishers.

Eisenstein, J., J. Vanderdonckt, et al. (2001). Applying model-based techniques to the development of UIs for mobile computers, ACM.

Eppinger, S., D. Whitney, et al. (1994). "A model-based method for organizing tasks in product development." Research in Engineering Design 6(1): 1-13.

Fetterman, D. (1994). "Empowerment evaluation." Evaluation practice 15(1): 1-15.

Friedlander, D., D. Greenberg, et al. (1997). "Evaluating government training programs for the economically disadvantaged." Journal of Economic Literature 35(4): 1809-1855.

Gupta, A., S. Raj, et al. (1986). "A Model for Studying R&D. Marketing Interface in the Product Innovation Process." The Journal of Marketing 50(2): 7-17.

Handfield, R., G. Ragatz, et al. (1999). "Involving Suppliers in New Product Development?" CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW 42: 59-82.

Hohl, F., U. Kubach, et al. (1999). Next century challenges: Nexus--an open global infrastructure for spatial-aware applications, ACM.

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LaLonde, R. (1986). "Evaluating the econometric evaluations of training programs with experimental data." The American Economic Review 76(4): 604-620.

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Manel, S., H. Williams, et al. (2001). "Evaluating presence-absence models in ecology: the need to account for prevalence." Journal of Applied Ecology 38(5): 921-931.

Matsumoto, M., S. Yokota, et al. (2010). "Development of a model to estimate the economic impacts of R&D output of public research institutes." R&D Management 40(1): 91-100.

Matzler, K. and H. Hinterhuber (1998). "How to make product development projects more successful by integrating Kano's model of customer satisfaction into quality function deployment." Technovation 18(1): 25-38.

Mellor, S., K. Scott, et al. (2002). "Model-driven architecture." Advances in Object-Oriented Information Systems: 233-239.

Mitrovic, A. and B. Martin (2002). Evaluating the effects of open student models on learning, Springer.

Moody, D. and G. Shanks "What makes a good data model? Evaluating the quality of entity relationship models." Entity-Relationship Approach--ER'94 Business Modelling and Re-Engineering: 94-111.

Muffatto, M. (1999). "Introducing a platform strategy in product development." International Journal of Production Economics 60: 145-153.

Nicklas, D., M. Gro©¬mann, et al. (2001). "A model-based, open architecture for mobile, spatially aware applications." Advances in spatial and temporal databases: 117-135.

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Olson, E., O. Walker Jr, et al. (1995). "Organizing for effective new product development: the moderating role of product innovativeness." The Journal of Marketing 59(1): 48-62.

Parasuraman, A., V. Zeithaml, et al. (1985). "A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research." The Journal of Marketing 49(4): 41-50.

Poole, J. (2001). Model-driven architecture: Vision, standards and emerging technologies, Citeseer.

Poslad, S., P. Buckle, et al. (2000). The FIPA-OS agent platform: Open source for open standards, Citeseer.

Ragatz, G., R. Handfield, et al. (1997). "Success factors for integrating suppliers into new product development." Journal of Product Innovation Management 14(3): 190-202.

Reid, S. and U. de Brentani (2004). "The fuzzy front end of new product development for discontinuous innovations: a theoretical model." Journal of Product Innovation Management 21(3): 170-184.

Rumelt, R. (1979). "Evaluation of strategy: Theory and models." Strategic management: A new view of business policy and planning: 196-212.

Ruotsalainen, P. (2004). "A cross-platform model for secure Electronic Health Record communication." International Journal of Medical Informatics 73(3): 291-295.

Rykiel, E. (1996). "Testing ecological models: the meaning of validation." Ecological modelling 90(3): 229-244.

Scaramella, L., R. Conger, et al. (2003). "Evaluation of a social contextual model of delinquency: A cross-study replication." Child Development 73(1): 175-195.

Schwarz, G. (1978). "Estimating the dimension of a model." The annals of statistics: 461-464.

Shen, X., K. Tan, et al. (2000). "An integrated approach to innovative product development using Kano¡¯s model and QFD." European Journal of Innovation Management 3(2): 91-99.

Shoval, P. and Y. Lugasi (1987). "Models for computer system evaluation and selection." Information & Management 12(3): 117-129.

Steiger, J. (1990). "Structural model evaluation and modification: An interval estimation approach." Multivariate Behavioral Research 25(2): 173-180.

Stufflebeam, D. and A. Shinkfield (2007). Evaluation theory, models, and applications, Jossey-Bass Inc Pub.

Szajna, B. (1996). "Empirical evaluation of the revised technology acceptance model." Management science 42(1): 85-92.

Tesser, A. (1988). "Toward a self-evaluation maintenance model of social behavior." Advances in experimental social psychology 21: 181-227.

Veryzer, R. (1998). "Discontinuous innovation and the new product development process." Journal of Product Innovation Management 15(4): 304-321.

Weiss, M. and G. Gangadharan (2010). "Modeling the mashup ecosystem: structure and growth." R&D Management 40(1): 40-49.

Some papers for Community Innovation

Agnew, J., L. Brown, et al. (1978). "The community innovation process: A conceptualization and empirical analysis." Urban Affairs Review 14(1): 3.

Aiken, M. and R. Alford (1970). "Community structure and innovation: the case of urban renewal." American Sociological Review 35(4): 650-665.

Frenz, M. and G. Ietto-Gillies (2003). The impact of multinationality on the propensity to innovate: An analysis of the UK Community Innovation Survey 3.

Kendra, J. and T. Wachtendorf (2007). "Community innovation and disasters." Handbooks of Disaster Research: 316-334.

Lucking, B. (2004). "International comparisons of the third community innovation survey (CIS3)." London: TESE (Technology, Economics, Statistics, and Evaluation).

Mowbray, C., D. Moxley, et al. (1996). "Consumers as community support providers: Issues created by role innovation." Community Mental Health Journal 32(1): 47-67.

Rosenthal, D. and R. Crain (1966). "Executive leadership and community innovation: The fluoridation experience." URBAN AFFAIRS QUARTERLY VOL 1(3), MARCH 1966, 39-57.

Smith, K. (2005). "Measuring innovation."

Tether, B. "Identifying innovation, innovators and innovative behaviours: A critical assessment of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS)." internet) CRIC.

Van Leeuwen, G. (2002). "Linking innovation to productivity growth using two waves of the community Innovation Survey." OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers.

Von Hippel, E. (2001). "Learning from open-source software." MIT Sloan Management Review 42(4): 82-86.

Von Krogh, G., S. Spaeth, et al. (2003). "Community, joining, and specialization in open source software innovation: a case study." Research Policy 32(7): 1217-1241.

Some papers for Chasm

Billinghurst, M. (2001). Crossing the chasm, Citeseer.

Buchan, J., T. Clear, et al. (2002). Computing the profession: Crossing the chasm with a new Master¡¯s degree in information technology, Citeseer.

Corrigan, J., M. Donaldson, et al. (2004). "Crossing the quality chasm." Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.

Elgort, I. (2005). "E-learning adoption: Bridging the chasm." Retrieved October 15: 2007.

Halevy, A., O. Etzioni, et al. (2003). Crossing the structure chasm, Citeseer.

Humm, A., J. Hennebert, et al. (2006). "Gaussian mixture models for chasm signature verification." Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: 102-113.

Jones, K. (2006). What's the value of TREC: is there a gap to jump or a chasm to bridge?, ACM.

Kelly, L., J. Lovett, et al. (2005). "A gap or a chasm?" Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.

Malhotra, Y. (2001). "Expert systems for knowledge management: crossing the chasm between information processing and sense making." Expert Systems with Applications 20(1): 7-16.

Munroe, S., T. Miller, et al. (2006). "Crossing the agent technology chasm: Lessons, experiences and challenges in commercial applications of agents." The Knowledge Engineering Review 21(04): 345-392.

Rasila, T., M. Seppa, et al. (2002). V2C or venture-to-capital-new model for crossing the chasm between start-up ventures and venture capital.

Wingrave, C. and D. Bowman (2005). Chasm: Bridging description and implementation of 3d interfaces, Citeseer.

Some papers for Case Study

Anfara Jr, V., K. Brown, et al. (2002). "Qualitative analysis on stage: Making the research process more public." Educational Researcher 31(7): 28.

Axelrod, R. (1997). "Advancing the art of simulation in the social sciences." Complexity 3(2): 16-22.

Barab, S. and K. Squire (2004). "Design-based research: Putting a stake in the ground." Journal of the Learning Sciences 13(1): 1-14.

Beam, C. and A. Segev (1997). "Automated negotiations: A survey of the state of the art." Wirtschaftsinformatik 39(3): 263-268.

Benbasat, I., D. Goldstein, et al. (1987). "The case research strategy in studies of information systems." Mis Quarterly 11(3): 369-386.

Boehm, B., A. Egyed, et al. (1998). "Using the winwin spiral model: A case study." Computer 31(7): 33-44.

Bogdan, R. and S. Biklen (1982). Qualitative research for education, Allyn and Bacon Boston.

Bonoma, T. (1985). "Case research in marketing: opportunities, problems, and a process." Journal of marketing research 22(2): 199-208.

Boudreau, M., D. Gefen, et al. (2001). "Validation in IS research: A state-of-the-art assessment." Mis Quarterly 25(1): 1-16.

Briand, L., E. Arisholm, et al. (1999). "Empirical studies of object-oriented artifacts, methods, and processes: State of the art and future directions." Empirical Software Engineering 4(4): 387-404.

Bullough Jr, R. and S. Pinnegar (2001). "Guidelines for quality in autobiographical forms of self-study research." Educational Researcher 30(3): 13.

Eisenhardt, K. (1989). "Building theories from case study research." Academy of management review 14(4): 532-550.

Eisenhardt, K. and M. Graebner (2007). "Theory building from cases: Opportunities and challenges." Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 25.

Feigenbaum, E. (1977). The Art of Artificial Intelligence. I. Themes and Case Studies of Knowledge Engineering, STANFORD UNIV CALIF DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE.

Firestone, W. (1987). "Meaning in method: The rhetoric of quantitative and qualitative research." Educational Researcher 16(7): 16.

Flyvbjerg, B. (2001). "Making social science matter: Why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again." New York: Cambridge.

Flyvbjerg, B. (2006). "Five misunderstandings about case-study research." Qualitative inquiry 12(2): 219.

Gillham, B. (2000). Case study research methods, Continuum Intl Pub Group.

Host, M. and P. Runeson (2007). Checklists for software engineering case study research.

Hubbard, R. and B. Power (1993). "The art of classroom inquiry."

Kaplan, B. and D. Duchon (1988). "Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in information systems research: a case study." Mis Quarterly: 571-586.

Kitchenham, B., S. Pfleeger, et al. (2002). "Preliminary guidelines for empirical research in software engineering." IEEE Transactions on software engineering: 721-734.

Malterud, K. (2001). "Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines." The Lancet 358(9280): 483-488.

Mills, A., E. Wiebe, et al. (2009). Encyclopedia of Case Study Research, Sage Publications, Inc.

Morgan, G. and L. Smircich (1980). "The case for qualitative research." Academy of management review 5(4): 491-500.

Morse, J., M. Barrett, et al. (2008). "Verification strategies for establishing reliability and validity in qualitative research." International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1(2): 13.

Newell, A., J. Shaw, et al. (1957). Empirical explorations of the logic theory machine: a case study in heuristic, ACM.

Pinsonneault, A. and K. Kraemer (1993). "Survey research methodology in management information systems: an assessment." Journal of Management Information Systems 10(2): 105.

Runeson, P. and M. Host (2009). "Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering." Empirical Software Engineering 14(2): 131-164.

Solnon, C., V. Cung, et al. (2008). "The car sequencing problem: Overview of state-of-the-art methods and industrial case-study of the ROADEF'2005 challenge problem." European Journal of Operational Research 191(3): 912-927.

Stake, R. (1978). "The case study method in social inquiry." Educational Researcher 7(2): 5.

Stake, R. (1995). The art of case study research, Sage Publications, Inc.

Yin, R. (1981). "The case study crisis: some answers." Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 58-65.

Yin, R. (1994). "Case study research: design and methods, Applied Social Research Methods Series, vol. 5." Thousand Oaks: Sage 1(2): 3.

Yin, R. (2008). Case study research: Design and methods, Sage Publications, Inc.

English Expression

  • This marks an exciting new chapter in my career and life.
  • MOLEG has run a website (http://...) providing basic legal information on six major subjects in English to support English-speaking foreigners here.
  • The government has paid greater attention to providing legal information in foreign languages, particularly English, with strong belief that this will help boost ...
  • The magazine, titled "...", will be published on a quarterly basis, it said.
  • But the delinquency rate reveals just how many borrowers are in crisis, and signals more trouble to come.
  • In part, that's because efforts by ...
  • In all but two of the 10 riskiest cities for homeowners --Orland and Miami-- the ... is lower than ...
  • To find the 10 riskiest cities for homeowners, we relied on lender processing service (LPS), a ...
  • Las vegas ranks at the top of our list of ...
  • A new wave of ... is likely to occur in coming month.
  • The foreclosure is far from over.
Sources: Korea Times and Yahoo!


Don't waste your time

Sometimes I lost my way to goal, and then I wasted time too much without any result. It is like that I am sailing in the ocean but I don't know where I am and to go. The best way to get out of this kind of mind stagnation is to find a person who has same goal and does his/her best to achieve the goal. Read blog and get energy from him/her. You can see your future from him and find what you should prepare to achieve your goal comparing you and him/her. Do you have any person who you want to take after?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Be a mentor for Software Maestros (소프트웨어 마에스트로)

In Korea, there is a program, Software Maestro, for software engineers who are attending High school or University students including undergraduate and graduate. FYI, you can find more information from web site(, sorry for the Korean), is initiated by the Korea Government. The manager of the program had gathered Mentors who will teach and lead Mentees. The mentor is an expert in his field, for example Software Engineering, Mobile Development, Web, Securities, Operating System, and so on, and I am very happy to be one of them. Last week, we had reviewed and screened mentee's applications and It revealed that there are so many good engineers in Korea although most of them don't have any professional experience. It will be very interesting and energetic thing to lead and work with them. I can't wait to meet them. :-)

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Preparing for the Social Survey Analyst

I have recently studied the Statistics for my research because Statistics is must-have toolkit in my pocket to support and verify my hypothesis in writing a research paper. Statistics is hard to understand, and I didn't get a good grade back in my university, so I am scared a little bit. If you are interested in Statistics or Mathematics, you might know SPSS or R. SPSS is one of the best analysis tool although I'm not good at SPSS yet. I bought several books for SPSS as usual and I found there is a certificate regarding SPSS. The certificate is for those who want to be analyst, especially in social survey in South Korea. Very interesting, isn't it? I've never heard that before.

Social Survey Analyst(in short, SSA) is the certificate and if you get certified, there will be more chances that you can get a job related to survey. For me, I am not going to be analyst, but it is good for me to get certified and get used to SPSS. At the first time, I thought the SSA is easy to get certified like other license or certificate. But after getting some information about SSA from internet and according to the official website, the rate of passing the exam is under 40 percent. Wow! It's worth to try! I don't want to get licenses that everybody can get.

Anyway, to get certified, I should study Statistics, survey method, psychology, and SPSS. It's a hard and long way to go. ;-)

Ok, let's study!!!!!

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